3rd Airdrop — FUMA Token (8-November-2021)

Fuma Finance has deployed FUMA Tokens on Binance Smart Chain on 17th October’21. In 20 days, FUMA has got 2 Token Burning events and 2 Airdrop Events. Third Token burning event as well as Airdrop Event will be done on 8th-November-2021.

Fuma Finance
1 min readNov 7, 2021

Current FUMA price: $1.63 per FUMA

FUMA Price — CMC

The 3rd FUMA AIRDROP has been divided into 3 parts:

1. All Holders (Holding 100+ FUMA): All FUMA holders, holding 100+ FUMA will get ‘2+ FUMA’ AIRDROP.

(Blockchain snapshot will be taken on 8th-Nov-2021 @ 11:00 UTC)

2. New buyers: All new buyers/addresses (those addresses never hold any FUMA till this announcement) who buy 500+ FUMA from PancakeSwap will get ‘25 FUMA’ AIRDROP.



* New buyers/addresses — addresses never hold any FUMA Token before this announcement (before 7th-Nov-21 @ UTC 6:00 am)

** No sell, no transfer — Addresses which make any sell or transfer will disqualify. All new buyers must hold all bought tokens till 8th-Nov-2021 (UTC-11:00 am)

3. TOP Buyers: 20 Top buyers (new buyer condition as per above) will get ‘50+ FUMA’ AIRDROP.



Fuma Finance

Fuma is a finance token working with latest technology and trustworthy binance blockchain. Fuma finance is community driven project.